Our customer service representatives are at your service:
Our customer service call center will provide you with information and assist you in performing various operations relating to your account, such as:
- Balance inquiry
- Viewing of recent account transactions
- Viewing of fees charged to the account
- Getting information on credit line interest rate
- Getting information on cheques deposited in the account or withdrawn from it
- Getting information on returns and debits in the account
- Updating of contact information – phone numbers, mailing address, etc.
- Ordering of cheque books
- Making a transfer of up to NIS 50,000
- Balance inquiries
- Getting information on the amount of tax collected
- Getting information on the next exit stations
- Renewal / non-renewal of a deposit
- Depositing of funds for a period of up to one year
- Withdrawal for deposit on the renewal date
- Full/partial withdrawal from the available deposit
- Stopping of monthly deposits to savings plans
- Changing of the monthly deposit date in your savings plans
- Changing of the monthly deposit amount in your savings plans
- Getting information on current loans – balances, interest rates, monthly payments, completion dates
- Getting information on credit cards – balances, credit frameworks, finance charges
- Month / year-end balances
- Tax deduction at source certificates
- Balance reports
- Balance report of the loan payoff
- Amortization schedules of existing loans
- Debt Arrangements
- Debt payment – checking account / credit card overdraft and / or late loan payments
- Getting information on debts, overdrafts and loan payments in arrears
- Updating of standing orders for customers with loan payments in arrears
- Issuing / delivery of password for the Customer Website and the Call Center
- Release / unlock of password to the Bank of Jerusalem Website (general and securities)
- Technical support for the various functions of the Bank of Jerusalem Website (general and securities
Service & Support *5727Support Center working hours:Sun-Thu 8:30-16:30
Fri & Holidays 8:30-13:00Internet support: 076-8095111For securities related service
we have a trading room open for you during the following hours:
Sun-Thu 8:30-16:30
Fri & holiday eves – there is no activity in the securities trading room
Phone: 076-8096060 / *5827