Representative rates For major currencies

Representative Rate
daily change rate (%)
Buy Sell
Transfers and Checks
Buy Sell
1 Dollar 3.5880 ‎ + 0.730 3.6800 3.5000 3.6326 3.5464
1 Pound 4.4368 ‎ + 0.346 4.5600 4.3300 4.4971 4.3905
1 Krona 0.3286 ‎ + 0.643 0.3400 0.3200 0.3331 0.3252
1 Franc 3.9333 ‎ + 0.475 4.0300 3.8300 3.9774 3.8831
1 Dollar 2.5015 ‎ + 0.705 2.5700 2.4400 2.5353 2.4752
1 Dollar 2.2505 ‎ + 0.577 2.3100 2.2000 2.2816 2.2275
1 Euro 3.7028 ‎ + 0.622 3.8000 3.6100 3.7495 3.6606
100 Yen 2.3575 ‎ + 0.696 2.4200 2.2900 2.3838 2.3273

Data received from Bank of Israel, current as of 11.02.2025. The buying and selling rates are for indicative purpose only.

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